Colorado Lawsuit Loans and Pre Settlement Funding
Gold Star Lawsuit Funding provides lawsuit funding in Colorado so injured plaintiffs can get the money they need until their cases settle.
Gold Star Lawsuit Funding provides non-recourse lawsuit loans and pre settlement funding to seriously injured personal injury plaintiffs throughout Colorado. In compliance with state law, all funding that is provided to Colorado residents by Gold Star Lawsuit Funding must be $75,000 or more.
Gold Star Lawsuit Funding is one of the oldest and most well-respected Colorado lawsuit funding companies. Gold Star has been delivering fast, low-cost lawsuit loans, pre settlement funding, and post settlement funding to Coloradoans since 2003.
Personal injury lawsuits, especially those with severe injuries, are notorious for taking a long time to settle. A descent into financial disarray shouldn’t be a part of it, but for many people, it is unavoidable.
After a serious accident, recuperating from your injuries and surgical procedures and dealing with physical therapy is difficult enough. The last thing you should be worrying about is past-due bills or any other financial challenges while you’re trying to get your life back on track.
A frequently cited statistic is that a severe injury or illness and job loss are two of the most stressful things in a person’s life. Tragically, many injured plaintiffs find themselves dealing with both events simultaneously, in addition to their lawsuit.
If you’re exhausted and stressed out, it’s no wonder. And if you need money now, you’re not alone.
Gold Star Lawsuit Funding can help.
Apply now or call and speak with one of our friendly funding experts.

Pre Settlement Loans in CO
Legal funding is a special type of financing designed just for plaintiffs and only plaintiffs can get it.
For CO residents, it is even more specialized. To comply with this state’s regulatory statutes, all lawsuit funding in Colorado that Gold Star provides must be in amounts of $75,000 or more.
Although lawsuit funding is frequently referred to by a variety of names including “settlement loans” and “lawsuit loans”, it isn’t a loan at all. Instead, it is a non-recourse cash advance against a portion of your future settlement award. You can think of non-recourse as “No Win / No Pay.”
It’s still your settlement money, but with the advantage of having access to it sooner rather than later. And because it’s your money, you are the one who decides how to use it.
You can pay rent and utilities, get caught up on bills, pay off credit cards, buy groceries, pay for medical expenses or copays, fix the car, or anything else you might need.
Gold Star offers funding like personal injury loans and auto accident loans. We also fund workplace injury claims like construction accidents and FELA railroad settlements.
We are, however, unable to offer settlement loans for workers comp in Colorado.
Gold Star can consider funding on almost any type of case in Colorado – pending or settled – as long as there are severe injuries, clear liability against a sufficiently insured defendant, and meets the $75,000 minimum threshold.
Get Pre Settlement Funding Now
If you need financial help immediately, apply online, or call us at (877) 932-2628 to get started.
Lawsuit funding in Colorado is fast and easy. It is also free to apply and it only takes a minute to get the ball rolling.
There are no upfront fees, no credit checks, no monthly payments, and no income or employment verification either. And best of all, the advance only gets repaid after you win your case.
Settlement funding from Gold Star is the “hand up” that you need, right when you need it most.
And it is so fast that if you apply now, you can receive cash in less than 24 hours after you’re approved.
Colorado Lawsuit Loans
Colorado, the 8th largest state in the U.S. in terms of area, has a population of 5,758,736 as of 2019. It also ranks 9th in fatal injuries per capita among the 51 states.
One of its main problems is distracted and drunk driving. From 2012 to 2017, distracted drivers accounted for 87,274 road collisions. Mobile phones were cited as a common source of distraction. Drivers were found to be engaging in other activities – such as making calls, texting, checking email, eating, and rubbernecking.
Meanwhile, drunk driving caused 4,801 crashes in 2017. This resulted in 1,145 people getting injured and 69 killed.
While these serious, and sometimes fatal, accidents can be rampant, Colorado citizens are known for filing suits for different reasons. Yet, the state remains one of the toughest places to acquire legal financing.
Pre-Settlement Funding & Post-Settlement Funding in Colorado
Gold Star Lawsuitl Funding burrows through the federal and state barriers to provide Colorado residents with pre settlement loans. These options are special, non-recourse cash advances on future settlement payout designed to help Colorado plaintiffs with serious personal injury and employment claims.
It’s free to apply. And unlike traditional banks and lenders, we don’t ask for your credit score, income and employment history, and financial assets. Instead, we base our approval on the merits of your case.
We have two types of lawsuit settlement advances available:
Colorado Pre-Settlement Loans
Pre-settlement funding applies to pending cases, such as personal injury, civil rights, employment, and work injury lawsuits.
We can finance up to 20% of the expected net value of your pending lawsuits. Our pre-settlement cash advances can range from $75,000 up to $250,000+.
You can choose from our fast, flexible, and customizable funding and disbursement options so you can quickly have your money by tomorrow.
On top of that, we have the lowest, non-compounding rates for pre-settlement funding in Colorado. These are capped (2x your funded amount) for your safety.
Lastly, you don’t have to repay the cash advance unless your case has been settled successfully or you won a court verdict.
Do You Qualify?
These are the criteria for eligibility for pending cases:
You must have serious physical injuries or financial losses incurred.
A clear liability against a sufficiently insured defendant must be established.
A contingent-fee attorney must represent you.
The settlement check must be deposited to, and be distributed out of, your attorney’s trust account.
Your anticipated value should net at least $375,000 (gross award fewer attorney fees, case costs, medical liens, etc.).
Post Settlement Funding in Colorado
Post settlement Colorado lawsuit loans apply to almost all types of settled litigation except workers’ compensation.
Our rates on post-settlement funding are the lowest, non-compounding rates in Colorado.
We can fund up to 50% of the net value on settled cases.
The minimum amount we can offer for post settlement loans is $75,000.
Do You Qualify?
You must provide documentation showing that you will net a minimum of $375,000 after all deductions.
- The minimum Colorado lawsuit loan amount is $75,000.
- Workers’ compensation cases are ineligible.
- Soft tissue injury cases are ineligible.
- Class action lawsuits are ineligible.
- Pending multidistrict litigation (MDL) for drugs and other cases (pharmaceuticals, medical devices, etc.) are ineligible.
- Settled MDL cases are eligible, provided #1 is met.
Colorado Car Accident Settlement Loans
It’s quick and simple to apply for a car accident settlement loan. Just enter your details here, including your requested amount. Or call (877) 932-2628 to have one of our friendly representatives take your application over the phone.
Get Funds Now
Car Accidents in Colorado
A car accident can derail the life of the victim and those they support. It can come with a slew of consequences, but the most obvious ones are physical and financial.
If you become involved in a crash, you may be suffering from an injury on top of losing your income source. Then there’s the filing of personal injury claims, which can feel like an endless waiting game.
All of these can take a toll on your emergency funds, not to mention your mental health. Let’s face it: not everyone has that much backup money to keep them afloat. Not when the children still need to go to school. Not when your mortgage provider is close to tagging your account delinquent. Or not when your landlady comes knocking at your door for the third time.
Gold Star knows how it feels to be in a tight spot. If you’re stuck in or on your way to a financial rut, we can help. The cash you’ll receive from pre-settlement funding can get your life back on track. You can even pay your lawyer promptly again, so he or she can have more time bargaining for a better lump-sum or structured settlement offer.
Apply for a Colorado Pre-Settlement Loan Today
Employment Lawsuit Loans in Colorado
Is your case job-related? Gold Star Lawsuit Funding also offers financing to Colorado workers through non-recourse employment lawsuit loans. The minimum advance amount of $25,000 applies.
To learn more about specific cases, check out these pages:
- Workplace Discrimination Settlement Loans
- Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Loans
Discrimination, harassment, and mistreatments are a few of the most common reasons for employee litigation. Understand how you can protect yourself and how filing a suit works. For instance, did you know how long does one have before a sexual harassment at work claim expires?
Equal Employment Opportunity and Employment Lawsuits in Colorado
Equal employment opportunity is a hotly debated issue today. We hear of businesses hiring people regardless of race, gender, sex, or religion.
The number of workplace discrimination complaints in the United States has been reduced. Last year, 72,675 were filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), compared to 76,418 in 2018. Colorado made up 1.8% of the total charges. Among the types of discrimination, retaliation racked up the highest number: 6.9 out of every 10 complaints.
Read more information about workplace discrimination and your rights:
- Filing a Charge with the EOOC
- Ongoing Litigation and Settlements (EOOC)
- Discriminatory or Unfair Employment Practices Law in Colorado
Apply for an Employment Lawsuit Loan Today
Premises Liability Lawsuit Funding in Colorado
Compared to other states, Colorado defines premises liability more broadly. According to the Premises Liability Statutes (PLA: § 13-21-115), the landowner is liable for any kind of activity or circumstance on his or her property. But the state does not limit the definition of a landowner to the person or entity in possession of the property; it includes:
- Property managers
- Tenants
- Vendors
- Contractors
- Event planners or organizers
- Any person or entity that is responsible for the property’s condition or the activities conducted on it
These are some of the kinds of premises liability cases we have encountered:
- Dog bites
- Drowning in a pool
- Falling from a deck or porch
- Slip and falls
Gold Star can extend financing to any of the type that Colorado assigns to plaintiffs:
- Licensee: This person is typically invited by the owner as a social guest. So they have a specific purpose for being on the property. A licensee can receive an award for damages.
- Invitee: This person could be a customer or a contractor, anyone on the property by invite and for business purposes. The invitee can claim for damages related to dangers the land